Lucy Taylor

I’m a writer interested in creative, effective digital communications for non-profits and social purpose organisations. Which basically means I like:

  1. finding excuses to hang out with and work with inspiring people with great stories who make me feel excited and optimistic about the world
  2. the internet
  3. bringing 1 & 2 together wherever possible

I’m currently lucky enough to do the above with VSO, an international development organisation working through volunteers to build a society where people of all sorts of backgrounds pull together to eradicate poverty and inequality for good.

Find out more about my work

From Sep-Dec 2016 I’m based in Kigali, Rwanda, working with local colleagues to launch a new strategy and raise VSO’s profile through improved communications and am blogging about it here.

I think Mr Benn had the best lifestyle in the world (dressing up + adventures = victory) and am doing my best to model my life on his.

I travel as often as physically possible. The rest of the time I am based in SE London, which is the next best thing 🙂

I support Samaritans and I think you probably should too. They are a totally unique movement that offers a lifeline to people who have no place else to turn to.

Get in touch:

Twitter: @lucyreckons
Instagram: @lucyreckons